Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Makeover 4


Lady GaGa Fakes, every week!!!

This week is....


Makeover 3

I went a lil over board with the highlights here

Makeover 2

MizzaBaBe already looked so pretty and mine doesn't look as good as hers. MizzaBaBe's was very good make-up & style though.

Makeover 1

Please remember this is just what I think and is just a bit of fun. If it is you and you find it offensive please don't hesitate to tell me.
X x X x


Don't forget to check back here every day for 1 or a few makeovers!!!
Remember if you go get choosen I can only work with what you have...

For SS: I will work with what you have.
For Non-SS: I will do much more ;D

X x X x