Tuesday, 31 January 2012

It Gets Better Project

Hi there it's hotskaterchick1,
not many people know about this but in real life I am Bi-sexual I am just a normal teenager and I know what it is like to get bullied for who you are being for your sexuality I know what it feels like for people to call you things like Fag and to a point I thought of killing myself! but I know it gets better so make a pledge if your gay lesbian Bi trans what ever you are sign up to this website
www.itgetsbetter.org even if your none of the above and just wanna send a message to all the others who have self harmed themselves and/or thinking about harming themselves make an end to it if you see someone getting bullied stand up for them! who knows they could be the nicest people you have met but for thoughs of you haven't come out! this is the place for you! pledge and watch the video's of young teens pledging and helping out! because it does get better trust me it does!
xoxo Hotskaterchick1!

Monday, 30 January 2012


Click >>HERE<<
3 new levels.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Hello there! ;)

Hello there! in case you didn't notice it's me Courtney! I took some time off! I quit stardoll for a bit and did a few things bought a puppy finished school did some designing courses (Especially Make-up) Now if I can have my job back? (That's up to you and the owner!) I have a really good make-up tutorial if you remember back in 2009 the Amazing Kelly Rowland and David Guetta made the song "When Love Takes Over" the amazing make-up is beautiful! watch the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbfYAYNFOos

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New Splendid Floor

Be sure to check out the new Splendid floor;

DvF Holiday Tribute Store : Last Chance Tomorrow

Don't forget tomorrow is the last chance for DvF Tribute Store, so be sure to grab the items you haven't had a chance to! (:
To get there click >>HERE<<

Pretty 'n' Love : 25% Sale

Although the subject for the email is '50% Sale' its is sadly only 25%
Still be sure to check it out;