Every month they are doing a different endangered animal so be sure to check back in February and all other months as well!
February is coming soon though!
Hope you like him! I think he is absolutely adorable!
Information they tell you about the gorilla:
(Gorilla gorilla)The closest relatives of gorillas are chimpanzees and humans, from which gorillas diverged about 7 million years ago. Human genes differ only 1.6% on average from their corresponding gorilla genes in their sequence, but there is further difference in how many copies each gene has. Did you know that a group of Gorillas are called a Band?
(Gorilla gorilla)The closest relatives of gorillas are chimpanzees and humans, from which gorillas diverged about 7 million years ago. Human genes differ only 1.6% on average from their corresponding gorilla genes in their sequence, but there is further difference in how many copies each gene has. Did you know that a group of Gorillas are called a Band?
I hope they do a tiger and dolphin-they are my favourite animals, land and sea.
The picture they use on Stardoll VVVVVVV

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