Axolotl Salamander
(Ambystoma mexicanum)This Peter Pan of salamanders never grows up - it is unique in spending its whole life in its juvenile form without ever changing into an adult. Recent surveys suggest that only between 700 and 1,200 axolotls survive in six reduced and scattered areas within the Xochimilco area of the Mexican Central Valley. Scientists are working to create wild refuges for the axolotl to try and prevent it going extinct in the
(Ambystoma mexicanum)This Peter Pan of salamanders never grows up - it is unique in spending its whole life in its juvenile form without ever changing into an adult. Recent surveys suggest that only between 700 and 1,200 axolotls survive in six reduced and scattered areas within the Xochimilco area of the Mexican Central Valley. Scientists are working to create wild refuges for the axolotl to try and prevent it going extinct in the

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