Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Glitch (DORÉE&FauxFur) 6SD ----> 6SC

Yep! There is a New DORÉE highlights glitch!
Instead of it being 6SD it is instead 6Starcoins!!

A Faux Fur Leopard Vest!
(Either it is a major bargain or it's a glitch. Because 10SC would be like 1SD in the previous currency when we all used SD - if any or you guys remember.)
I suggest you grab it quick! :)
Enjoy guys! ^.^

New DORÉE Collection

Woah!! New DORÉE Collection for the MSW event!
They also changed the Hair dye packets and the doll and now they use a different SS hairstyle!!
What do you think???!!

And theres a glitch. I suggest you GRAB IT QUICK!!
Instead of being 6SD it is 6Starcoins!!!! :O

Modeling fashion line

this is a sneek peek of my new fashion label namming it "From Paris With Love" the graphics aren't right yet but I do need models